Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"What You Doing?"

The kids started a new school today and we started swim lessons.  Maya was very nervous this morning when I dropped her off.  She didn't know any of the kids and had tears in her eyes.  It was a completely different story this afternoon.  She was upset when I came to pick her up because she was having such a good time.  Mitchell actually did better at drop off than she did.  The teachers were awesome and distracted him from me leaving.  His teacher even emailed before lunch to let me know he was having such a great day. 
We also got back into swim lessons tonight.  I get in the pool with Mitchell and we are getting practically private lessons.  The only other people are the instructor and instructor's son who is the exact same age, their birthdays are only 2 days apart.  It couldn't be more perfect.  Mitchell was excited to be swimming, but he wouldn't be Mitchell without a little refusing, screaming, and running.  He actually got out of the pool and ran away from me at one point.  He was cracking the teacher up, though, and she clearly loved my crazy boy!
After I cleaned up dinner, I realized the kids had been occupying themselves.  I grabbed my camera and snuck up on them in Maya's room.  I just love when they play together like this.


Mitchell said "What you doing, Mommy?" 


And then Mitchell was in a dress.  Typical. 


If he's going to wear dresses, he needs to learn to twirl...

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