Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What We've Been Up To...

It's been over 10 days since my last post.  I've been lazy lately.  My only excuse is that I haven't taken any awesome pictures or completed any pinterest projects.  But I will share some pictures of what we've been over the past couple weeks...
The office/play room is coming along.  We are transitioning into calling it the "Art Room."  The kids have started using it for its new purpose.

Mitchell almost wore this headband to Sam's.  He found it, said "I wear girl headband," then put it on.  He really didn't want to take it off and I decided not to make him and let him express himself.  It happened to come off in the car before we made it to Sam's, though. 

Later that same day, we announced we were going to go ice skating...this was Maya's reaction:

 Ice Skating didn't go too well.  Mitchell fell on the ice in the 2 seconds he actually touched the ground.  Arthur ripped skin off his pinky finger when trying to catch himself on the railing so he didn't drop Mitchell.  Maya was just plain terrified.  It will be a long while before we try it again, it was anything but BLISSFUL!

Maya got bored one night and decided to write her name in toothpicks.

Mitchell slept until 10AM for the first time ever!

 More art... 

 We talked about potty training.  Keyword being "talked," we are not there yet. 

 I found that the best ingredient for a smoothie is "frozen yogurt."  I sweeten plain chobani yogurt with honey and vanilla and then freeze in ice cube trays.  You can all sorts of fruits, milks, powders, etc, to make so many fun combinations of smoothies.



 And somehow, don't ask me how, this guy is getting too close to 2 and a half!


They really do love each other 80% of the time. 



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