Friday, July 12, 2013

Rainbow Swamp

Today was an absolutely gorgeous day and the perfect weather to make a rainbow swamp.  Yesterday I discovered the blog Fun At Home With Kids and this fantastic rainbow swamp idea.  I made the frozen cubes in a mini muffin tin yesterday and froze them overnight.  It was simply a mix of cornstarch and water with food coloring.  The whole thing took me about 10 minutes to prepare and I already had all the materials.  This is what it looked like out of the freezer...

 I almost trashed the frozen cubes for fear of using to much food coloring.  I rubbed my finger on a blue piece and my finger was immediately stained a bright blue.  I was worried the kids would have crazy colored hands all weekend.  I was so wrong and so glad I went through with it anyway.

I gave each kid a pyrex dish and divvied up the cubes among them.  I also let them include some animals in their swamp.  I wasn't sure how this would keep their attention and if they would even like it.  They loved it!  Maya played for about 45 minutes and Mitchell played over an hour.  It was a huge success and a great way to enjoy this gorgeous day.  The coloring washed right off the animals.  Maya and Mitchell went straight to the shower after this and their hands were good as new in no time.



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