Time sure does fly and you are growing up so fast. Here is what you are up to at 30 months...
You still love anything that is girly. You request to wear pink dresses, your favorite color is still pink, and when you pretend to be a Power Ranger you say you are the "pink one," even though it sounds like you are saying you are a "pink pirate." Which by the way, you are not allowed to watch Power Rangers, and your pretending to be one consists of fast arm and leg movements along with running and grunting. And while we are on the topic of pretending, you love pretending to be a puppy, even answering questions with woofs and licks rather than words.
Your favorite toys are still all your cars and trucks. You use our couch as your parking lot. We usually have to keep at least one side of the couch clear for you to park your cars on. You still bring me your cars to kiss when they get "hurt."
You know all basic colors and most shapes. You know 22 capital letters but you don't sing the alphabet. You get upset when I try to sing it to you, so I stop. We are still working on counting. You like to say 2,8,2,8,2,8.
You are not a picky eater, but you don't eat a lot. You would be happy just drinking milk all day and not eating at all. We don't let you have milk with dinner anymore until after you eat your food.
You love to go "bye-bye." Every time we do leave the house you hope we are going to Mimi and Papa's. When we do go there you often ask about Ye-Ye, wondering why they don't all live together. Another favorite place to go is swim lessons. You are getting very comfortable in the water and love jumping in and going under.
You love TV and the iPad and would be happy to sit in front of these all day long if we let you. Of course, we don't let you, and have had to limit iPad time because it is turning into a bit of an addiction. Most days during the week you don't use the iPad at all.
You have this new terribly obnoxious and annoying scream/cry/yell right now. You make this sound from deep down in your throat and you're probably going to give yourself vocal nodules if you don't cut it out. We say "you're only allowed to do that in your room and the crying room (laundry room)." That threat usually gets you to say "I done crying."
Your other new thing to do when you are mad is scratching. You have left marks in the leather ottoman with your fingernails because I wouldn't let you eat your banana in the living room. You also scratch me when I carry you to time-out and sometimes when I buckle you in to your car seat. You always say you are sorry and realize it is wrong, but you still do it.
I can't believe a year ago you were learning to say things like "yellow" and "Dora," and now you are speaking in complete sentences. It absolutely melts my heart to hear you request a "kiss and a hug." You make sure daddy gives you one before leaving for work and also request it from Maya when we drop her off in her classroom. You usually have a complete meltdown in the car if we drop Maya off at school and she leaves without kissing you. You really do adore your big sister.
And Mitchell, we all adore you. More than words could ever say. We are so lucky to be blessed with you and we can't wait to see what fun the next two and a half years will bring.
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