Even though I'm typing this 11 days late, rest assured the pictures were taken on time. Ronan is a chunky monkey! He is 14 lbs and almost fitting in 6 month clothing.
He is such a sweet babe! He has reflux and is doing fantastic now that we have him on zantac. He is very smiley and interactive. Tons of eye contact and cooing and gooing. He likes to be tickled and even gives little laughs. We aren't sleeping though the night, but that's ok. His first sleep of the night is usually 5-6 hours, like 9pm-3am. Then back down until 5 or 6. Not bad and certainly nothing to complain about. He still sleeps a lot during the day as well, definitely between every feeding, even if it's just a short cat nap. We're definitely blessed with a great napper, which is much appreciated!
He's just the chubbiest, most kissable, lovable, hunk of joy. We are so happy he is here!