Wednesday, May 14, 2014

(193) Sweet Baby

Cameron had his 6 month check up today.
Weight:  20lbs 6oz
Height:  28.75 in

(192) M-I-T-C-H-E-L-L

Mitchell wrote his name all by himself!

(191) Mother's Day Flower

(190) Happy Mother's Day

(189) Julie's Engagement Party

(188) Happy Boy

(187) Bike Riding

Just a few short weeks ago Mitchell had no idea how to ride a bike and was getting so frustrated.  I didn't think he was going to ever learn.  After practicing a couple more times I feel like he is almost ready to try without training wheels.  He is getting so good!

(186) Zoo Field Trip

I went to the zoo with Maya's class today.  The weather was perfect and it was a great time.  Good thing Maya survived this alligator attack!

(185) Six Months

I just couldn't choose my favorite of this super smiley baby.  And there's about 5 more adorable expressions I did even post!

(184) Teacher Appreciation Week

Mitchell loved helping to prepare a special dip for his teachers at school...

(183) Flying Pig Half Marathon

(182) First Softball Game

(181) New Swing