Friday, February 28, 2014

(107) Leaky Window

(106) Future Olympian

(105) Q-tip Painting

(104) Valentine's Day

(103) 100th Day of School

Maya had to bring in 100 of any household item for her 100th day of school and was encouraged to make something creative with it.  We decided on decorative marbles and this picture and design was all her idea.  So proud of her!


(102) Talking To Daddy

Apparently the train table is the best place to talk on the phone...

(101) Back to Work/School

(100) Prayer Basket

(99) View From Above

(98) Figure Skating

Maya is practicing her lifts for ice skating.

(97) First Exer-Saucer Experience

Thursday, February 6, 2014

(96) 3 Months

In some ways I can't believe Cameron is 3 months already, but in other ways it feels like he has been here forever. 
 I've been really lazy about writing milestone updates, so let's take a look at what 3 month old Cameron is like:
  • He enjoys his swing, bouncer, and playmat for short amounts of time. He likes to look and smile at the colorful toys.  However he definitely prefers our faces and interaction.
  • He is definitely cooing and "talking" to us.
  • He has the cutest little giggle and a ticklish spot on his belly that gets him every time.
  •  Sleep is so unpredictable.  One time he slept 7:45-5:45.  There were a couple weeks where he slept 8-5 almost every night.  But now we are back to having no idea what to expect.  He was up at 12:30 last night.
  • Luckily when he wakes up it is usually quick and easy and he goes right back to sleep. 
  •  Breastfeeding is going really well.  He eats every 2 1/2 - 3 hours, but more often in the evening.  No tummy, gas, or reflux issues.
  •  He just started really enjoying tummy time the last couple weeks. 
  •  He is so happy.  Smiling all the time.  He is so much fun!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

(95) Frozen

We had another snow day today.  I was pretty sure Maya would be off last night, so I went ahead and got a project ready to go for today.  We started with a little figure skating... 


Then the kids built frozen towers out of ice cubes... 

A little play time with this cutie...

 And what snow day is complete without some hot chocolate?

(94) Holy Water

Mitchell has decided that all water is holy water.  He dips his fingers in it and does the sign of the cross.  Good practice, I guess.




(93) Mitchell's New Sash

(92) Superbowl Sunday

(91) Pre Haircut

(90) Playdate With Rylan

(89) The Day Cameron Rolled Over

Cameron caught me by complete surprise this morning by showing off and rolling onto his back!

(88) 6 More Weeks Of Winter?