Monday, August 26, 2013

Back To School

The kids got to have their annual back to school donut for breakfast.  Not a healthy choice, but donuts rarely ever happen in this house except for birthdays and back to school.  We will work on healthy choices again tomorrow!   
Today was the first day of school for both kids.  Maya got to ride the bus for the first time.  She was so excited to go to school all day and see her friends.
I couldn't wait for Maya to get home this afternoon and tell me all about her day.  She said it was "the best day in the whole wide world!"  She loved the activities, her teacher, and having recess and lunch.  Her favorite part of the day was coloring and writing.   
Mitchell also started a new classroom today. He is at the same school, but he moved up to the 3 year old preschool classroom. After Maya got on the bus he was sure he was going to get to ride the bus to preschool.  Unfortunately, I had to break the news to him that he still has to ride in Mommy's car.
 Mitchell also had a great first day.  His new teacher couldn't believe he missed all last week when they did the transitioning because he did so well.  His favorite part of the day was playing on the new playground and "going down the slide."

Friday, August 23, 2013

Last Day of Summer

I'm back from my 3 week break from updates.  I went back to work and Arthur has had a work trip every week, so it's been busy.  Even though these pictures are blurry and out of focus, I wanted to make a point to document our fun day.  We spent Maya's last day of summer vacation having family time at the Newport Aquarium.  The kids loved it!  We even saw Maya's friend from school there.  They got to play together and talk about being first graders on Monday.
Before we left, I had to get a picture of Mitchell's new "toy." 
Side Story: I had 2 locks jam at the gym this past spring.  Words can't describe the fun that can be had after swim lessons, soaking wet, with hungry kids only to discover your lock won't open (sense the sarcasm).  Complete strangers tried to help me and workers tried to open it.  It wasn't just me, the lock was really stuck.  The janitor had to bring the "jaws of life" to break the lock.  This happened to me, not once, but twice!  Fun times!
So Mitchell recently found one of the broken locks in a kitchen drawer and he carries it around everywhere calling it his "password."  It's too cute!
 Moving on to aquarium pictures... 

This is Mitchell so excited because he found Dory!  He wanted to see Nemo, Nemo's dad, and Dory today.  He doesn't understand what happens at the beginning of the movie and doesn't get that Nemo's mom died.  Before leaving the house he asked me about Nemo's mom.  He came to the conclusion on his own that "maybe she left."  The word "dead" or "died" never even came up, so...
 I have no idea where this came from.  This picture is Mitchell looking at "Nemo" and "Nemo's Dad."  Right after this picture he said "Where is Dory? "  And completely matter of fact, without question, shrugging his shoulders, he said "I guess Dory's dead."  Ummmm, what???  Where did that come from?  And he never mentioned it again.



Sunday, August 4, 2013

Celebrating 3!

 Warning:  This post contains a bit of Mitchell overload! 
He will be 3 on Tuesday and we celebrated with family today.  It was a small get together and I didn't go over the top with decorations.  I did set up a little Construction Site for the cake and snacks. 
Papa brought Mitchell's bike over today.  This has been promised to him since June as his reward for being potty trained.  He isn't there 100%, but he is close.  Hopefully seeing the prize will give him that extra push.  We won't be taking it outside until he truly deserves it.  I think he likes it!

 Mitchell got so many amazing gifts today, even he was in shock.  After every gift he said "is that mine?"  It was definitely an entertaining present opening session. 
Thank you Uncle Everett, Uncle Bill, and Connor for the dinosaurs.

 Thank you, Yeye, for the legos!

  Thank you, Mimi and Papa, for the tunnels and bridges!
I didn't get any good pictures of the planes from Aunt Lolo, Uncle Brian, and Peyton, but he certainly appreciates them and is in love.  He took them to bed!
Tons of cake pictures to come, but I couldn't leave any out.  Too many great faces to choose just one! 

Keep being amazing little boy!  Or in your own words "I'm growing up so fast!"

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Mitchell's Big Boy Room

Before I share pictures of Mitchell's updated bedroom, here are some snapshots of what we've been up to the past week.
This is how Maya builds a tent and roasts marshmallows in the house.



On Sunday we had a park play date with Celia.

 Mitchell enjoyed playing in his construction site made from a utensil holder and some sand, leaves, rocks, and grass.

And now, Mitchell's new room.  I do feel the need to admit that I'm a bit embarrassed by these pictures.  I only know enough about my camera to know not to use the flash.  Most of the time I have a lot of trouble getting the setting rights, especially in a room like this with only one small window. 

 Mitchell is doing so great sleeping in his new bed.  We haven't had any trouble with the transition.  He has been telling everyone he has a new bed, even ride operators at King's Island!