Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Blog Issues

If you are visiting and wondering why I have not posted on my brand NEW blog in over a week, it's because every time I have tried it will not upload the pictures.  I will continue working to resolve the issue.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Pumpkin Carving

We carved our pumpkins tonight.  Maya was a big help, Mitchell not so much. 

He was pretty much in awe of the whole process.  Out of no where, he started saying a new word:  "ewww, gut-ning!"

Get those gut-ning (disgusting) guts, Mitchell!

 Maya is very concerned about getting candles so we can now have true Jack-O-Lanterns!

Mitchell's Baptism

Well, it finally happened.  We finally got Mitchell baptized.  We know we are about 2 years too late on this, but anyone who knows what the past two years of our lives have been like, can surely understand why this took so long.
I love how angelic he looks in this pic...
Cousin Love

 This picture pretty much sums up how the whole thing went down.
Seriously, how many children request an iPad at their own baptism.  He was running around the pews yelling "iPad, iPad."  At one point, the Deacon even said just to let him run so it would be quiet.  

It takes two...

Mitchell was excited about all his presents.

Maya and Mitchell with Uncle Everett, Uncle Bill, and Connor.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bill Is 40

We are enjoying a visit from Uncle Everett, Uncle Bill, and Connor.  We are finally getting Mitchell baptized tomorrow, and Uncle Everett is his Godfather.  Today we celebrated Bill's 40th birthday, which was Wednesday.  I just now realized I didn't even get a picture of him.  At least we still have tomorrow.

 One of our highlights tonight was getting to be there when Connor tasted his first puff.  He did great.  He knew exactly what to do.  He picked it up and got it to his mouth without pushing it out with his tongue.  High five, Connor!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Shaw Farms

We finally made it out to a pumpkin patch, about a week before Halloween.  We went to Shaw Farms in Milford.  We realized we will never go to a pumpkin patch on a weekend again.  This place was packed last year when we visited on a Saturday.  On a Monday afternoon, it was perfect.  The kids got to enjoy every piece of scenery without having to move along and give other kids a turn.

 We also went on a hayride that was not packed at all.  It was a really cool ride and a little spooky.  We went into the woods and the afternoon sky started to turn gray.  The leaves on the trees were gorgeous.  Throughout the woods there were lots of Halloween decorations, like black cats, witches, spiders, etc.  All this added to the spookiness.  Mitchell was pretty hesitant about the ride.  By the end he was in my lap hugging me tightly.  I cetainly wasn't complaining about the extra cuddles.

We came away with a bunch of pumpkins.  Hopefully later this week I will be able to post pics of how we turned our pumpkins into Jack-O-Lanterns.